Teaching, Research and Project at the service of Urban Regeneration and Public Policies
Docencia, Investigación y Proyecto al servicio de la Regeneración Urbana y las Políticas Públicas

The "9x18 Laboratory" of the PUC School of Architecture is a group dedicated to teaching, research and public impact that promotes public policies of urban-housing regeneration through an active link with the environment. It seeks to regenerate urban areas developed by the Operaciones Sitio policy (1960-1980), settling neighbouring families with criteria of social integration, improvement of the urban environment, high standards of habitability and long-term perspective. This purpose is achieved through various complementary dimensions: 1) teaching with an interdisciplinary approach and developed in the territory; 2) research in collaboration with NGOs and local and central governments; 3) articulation of actors through intersectoral roundtables; 4) development and piloting of proposals articulating public and competitive funds. Today the 9x18 Laboratory is a platform capable of influencing national urban development by integrating political, academic and social dimensions. Our work manages to play the role of an impartial third party that puts collective interests above individual interests based on disciplinary and scientific knowledge, promoting interdisciplinary and inter-institutional exchange with a strong link to local communities capable of addressing a profound discussion about the ways of living in the city and from the particularities of our cultures and identities under construction.