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Sustainability at neighborhood scale: Re-visiting Quiero mi Barrio program


Sustainability at neighborhood scale: Re-visiting Quiero mi Barrio program

This study, in collaboration with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINVU), explores one of its greatest challenges: the sustainability of investments made at the neighbourhood level, a subject that requires both empirical and theoretical development. Three data collection instruments were used in the fieldwork: (i) Semi-structured group interviews: 22 interviews were conducted with CVD and/or "Junta de Vecinos" members and municipal officials. (ii) Survey: A survey was conducted with 540 residents of the 12 neighbourhoods including questions about participation, neighbourhood organisations, satisfaction with the quality of public spaces, main environmental problems, and perception of safety, among other issues.  (iii) Observation sheets: 69 observation sheets were completed in the field, characterising the maintenance and state of conservation of the programme's works.Forty-three interventions were evaluated. 

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